Select your parent guide or CD transcript below

French Parent Guides
Les aventures de Minou et Trottine et les jouets
Les aventures de Minou et Trottine et leurs amis
Viens Jouer avec Matou et Tounette CD Transcript
Chante en Français 1 CD Transcript
Chante en Français 2 CD Transcript
Salut Céline et Antoine ! Original Edition

Spanish Parent Guides
Las aventuras de Mifú y Tina y los juguetes
Las aventuras de Mifú y Tina y sus amigos
Ven a jugar con Milo y Mapi CD Transcript
Canta en español 1 CD Transcript
Canta en español 2 CD Transcript
¡Hola Pedro y Carmen! - Original Edition
Child Protection
La Jolie Ronde is fully committed to ensuring the safety of every child who attends our classes. All our tutors are vetted and have had the appropriate criminal records checks carried out by the relevant organisation in the country in which they are tutoring. (England and Wales - Disclosure and Barring Service; Scotland - Disclosure Scotland; Republic of Ireland - Garda Vetting; Northern Ireland - Access NI). A copy of our child protection policy and procedures can be found here.